Thursday, November 21, 2013


" I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ"
My EQ: What is the best way to customize an automobile to fit ones personality.

 a. This essential question makes sense but lacks depth, because of the fact that it is asking what is the most important factor, which will only give you a single answer. it would probably be best if it is changed from "factor" to "factors" giving it a multitude of answers.

b. This EQ makes sense and has evidence of being able to go into more depth. It is asking "what is most important" which can be a variety of things, points can be brought up to prove that a certain thing is most important to securing a criminal.

c.    This EQ 's sentence makes sense and can go into depth. It is similar to b and can go into greater detail. It also has a solid stance "satisfies a customer"

e. This EQ has an easy straight to the point question. It also makes sense, and is capable of going into depth to answer  the best treatment for chronic pain.

3. What is the best way to customize a vehicle in order to fit ones standards.  

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