Thursday, August 29, 2013

August post

During the summer, as I continued my work with a Honda civic I was surprised to learn that certain cars torque comes from the front. This had me dumbfounded, because I always thought when you press on the gas the back wheels are responsible for making the car move forward. Cars such as Honda civics and Toyotas have there torque coming from the front of there wheels. Which makes these cars bad candidates for drifting. In order to have a car that is fully capable of drifting you must have a car which has its torque coming from the back tires, such as a Mustang. I couldn't really understand how that would work until I actually worked on the car. The axles were directly connected to the engine block which I thought extraordinary because of the fact that they actually bend. I also learned that hands on training is actually very important because is does help when it comes to fully understand how a vehicle works.

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